Online Registration is Closed.
You may register in person at the door beginning at 3:30pm.

4 p.m.
Opening remarks by Honorable Harriet Lansing (Ret.)
Panel discussion to follow
The Political Origins and A Practical History of the Minnesota Court of Appeals
Honorable R.A. (Jim) Randall (Ret.)
Honorable Jack Davies (Ret.)
Honorable Randolph W. Peterson (Ret.)
Honorable Jill Flaskamp Halbrooks (Ret.)
Honorable John Rodenberg (Ret.)
Honorable Denise D. Reilly (Ret.)
Moderator: Honorable Diane Bratvold
5 p.m - 7 p.m.
Social Hour
Cash Bar | Appetizers Provided
1.0 Standard CLE applied for
$35 MSCHS Members
$45 Non-MSCHS Members
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